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Image by Markus Winkler


Follow these guidelines when you would like to apply for a session with Me

Please contact me in good time when you want to apply for a session with Me. My sessions are in demand and reservations for the same day are the most popular.


I) Fill out this application form. Choose the English version. I want to get to know you, your needs and your fantasies. Use courteous language and honourifics. I accept the titles Lady, Madame and Mistress. 


IIWhen I have received your completed form and accepted your request to book a session I will send you a deposit payment request in My confirmation message. The pre-booking fee for the session is €50. The reservation fee is compulsory for all new applicants. If you'd like an anomymous payment option to protect your privacy, I will be happy to provide one.

III) When you have paid the reservation fee I will contact you by phone at the agreed time.


IV)  After W/we have talked on the phone and decided mutually O/our wishes and plans for the session I will send you more detailed information about the session and My exact address.

I look forward to playing with you!

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