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At the beginning it was very exciting as it was my first time in a session. However, time passed by quickly and I was able to focus on what was visible in front of me. There is a contradiction in my mind: how could a woman who looks and feels so kind be able to tease a man to Her heart's content. It is exactly that contradiction that is the spark within You. A 'young and innocent being', but having come in contact with You, I would have to submit completely, fulfill Your every whim immediately and without question. I, a man, "the crown of creation" would be a nameless servant to You. What a lovely idea. 🙂

You, Mistress, were very good at taking into account my fetish list and implementing things from it accordingly. In the end, you can't fit everything within an hour if you're not constantly jumping from one thing to another. So the content was appropriate for that time. You really took my fetishes into account in both Your appearance and the way You behaved. It felt and looked really great. You gave the impression of being competent and taking Your slave's needs into account really well. The session was partly built upon my wishes and partly upon Your own handwriting. That's exactly how it's at its best. I don't like just having a wish list fulfilled. It was a great session that I will remember. Your gloves + pants variation was really hot! I hope You, Mistress, will come to Pori again sometime.

WOW! I'm still totally sold. When You, Mistress, were waiting for me as agreed, looking like a prim and proper 'auntie' in rubber boots and a whip in hand, with a cute and completely innocent smile on Your face. It was wonderful to surrender to You and I trusted You. You are unpredictable in a good way. I liked how creatively You used underwear and duct tape to silence my dirty mouth. And I really liked Your dominance style: You weren't aggressive but just determined and wonderfully gentle. An absolutely charming package of playfulness and terrifying intensity. That famous iron hand wrapped in a velvet glove. You talked to me throughout the session and it was great to hear Your laughter. The best thing was that I could clearly see You enjoying everything.

Energy, warmth and excitement, what we could have done if there was more time! You genuinely cared about me, Mistress. I like You a lot. I felt confident and that with You I can be completely myself. A woman who dares to do things. I miss Your golden source ❤️

It meant a lot to me, Mistress, that You enjoyed playing with me. You are a wonderful and sweet young woman whom it's natural to be with. You make the other person feel seen which lifts the mood. The sense of urgency and performance were shining with their absence.

First of all, thank You Mistress so much for the session. It was everything I imagined and more. You took good care of my wishes and my inexperience. As you probably noticed I was very nervous both coming to the session and being there. But it wasn't exciting in a bad way. As you mentioned, when I returned home I really felt good, for lack of better adjectives. Calm and happy at the same time. And I slept better that night than I had in a long time! 

After the session, perhaps surprisingly, my butt wasn't sore at all which means that it can be used for harsher punishments in the future. Similarly, I didn't understand to tell You at the beginning -- and I didn't dare to in the middle of the session -- that my hands are often naturally very cold. The only things that still hurt after several days were my knees. I don't know if they are naturally sensitive or if I broke them in my youth by practicing a sport (iaido) where the sets of movements always started and ended with kneeling and most of the exercises were spent on the knees.


Finally, a special thank You, Mistress, for Your wonderful bottom. It's great and wonderful in so many different ways! And now that I got the first impression, I would love to come and serve You again one day!

Thank you, Mistress, for a wonderful shared moment! The experience was everything I expected it to be and more! I will definitely be in touch in the future too. Thank you & greetings, K

Thank you, Mistress, for the last session! You did manage to open the internal locks of such an entrenched, rigid man ('s mind), thank You for that. You opened my eyes to the fact that no one should live in deprivation and chain something so big and primitive that is inside all of us. You are good at what You do, You see a person as a person without judging. Now I won't brag anymore...

Thank you! I can't do anymore now, I'm completely exhausted. Fortunately, the work was postponed. I went swimming -- which means I just went to relax in the therapy pool. 

I can't find the words, maybe overwhelmed is pretty close. Emotionally flustered or something... After a couple of years of deprivation, the sheer amount of sensory stimuli overloads my capacity unit. 

Thank you again, Mistress, for an exciting sessionThis time I was nervous unlike during the first time, not because of the meeting itself (well, just a little), but because of what You had come up with for me because I really had no idea. The pain level was appropriate. This time when I left my butt was sore and so were my nipples. The redness disappeared from the buttocks quickly, but the upper thighs just under the buttocks were left with beautiful blue-black marks for many days. And the spiky thing that I didn't see was interesting. The touch I received from it was something between pain and a feeling that I would best describe as cuttingly tickling.


The butt play was nice. I have to ask You how to practice relaxing my sphincter so that it goes more smoothly next time. And of course it was heavenly to be able to worship Mistress's divine backside.


Still on my knees the pillow came in handy, but I also noticed that as long as I'm on all fours the pressure on my knees isn't too bad. At least if I don't spend obscenely long periods of time like that. But being on my knees where my entire upper body weight is on my knees quickly starts to hurt. During the last session that wasn't a problem, thank You for that.


I should have mentioned that I laughed quite a lot. It wasn't because I wasn't excited or afraid of what was to come, or because there wasn't enough pain. I smiled because I had so much fun being in the session with You. Thank You again and I hope to see You again soon under the same circumstances. I really enjoyed the session again, thank You Mistress.

Thank You very much, Mistress, for our meeting. It was absolutely wonderful! I was still flustered riding my bike and during the whole journey home. I apologise I didn't realize to bring cash with me. Apparently, the excitement of the meeting completely blocked my train of thought as I didn't understand to bring the money with me. Thank You for the wonderful session which really flew by. I know who to contact if I want to try new things. 

Thank You Mistress. The session was nice and I felt good afterwards. Special thanks for a gentle but firm grip on the session. I especially liked the soft handling 😌. 

Thank You very much, Mistress. The experience was really nice, warm, safe. Just so wonderfully relaxing. Also Mistress's happy face, ah, such a treat.

You, Mistress and our delightful moment really messed up my mind in a good way! I was quite nervous at the beginning, but You were a wonderfully approachable person. Your beauty and playfulness was something super awesome right from the start. The fact that You gave instructions and told me what You like was nice. I hope You were able to enjoy our moment as well. I hope to see You again.

The pleasure was on my side, a nice reception and very warm welcome. You, Mistress, received me well and it felt good to enter Your space and play out this fantasy with You. I also liked your verbal teasing: that was really nice and exciting. And that little laugh in the background too. I left feeling very satisfied: a really relaxed and liberated feeling. And of course the aftermath, when W/we finished playing and I had recovered was really nice and warm. There wasn't any awkward feeling that it should be over quickly or something like that. All in all, it was a really nice session. Thank You, Mistress, for that.

Thank You so much for the video, Mistress. It was just as good as I expected, super super good! 😍😍😍 You are really talented, and I appreciate that good picture quality 👍👍👍
I will probably be in touch for more videos or make an appointment with You. Have a nice weekend and thank You once again for Your wonderful and valuable work🙏😍

Thank You again for the session, Mistress! You made my long-time dream come true and it left me with a great feeling. You are an incredibly wonderful person! I thoroughly enjoyed everything! It's a little sad that my release didn't come at the end, but that's because I actually got what I wanted or needed. I got to drink You and I hope I gave You pleasure! I was left with a very good feeling from O/our secret moment in the morning. I hope it wasn't a one-off and maybe next time we'll have more time. An hour with You went by too fast!

A big thank you, Mistress. It was an excellent and amazing experience. I like to test my limits and W/we got there very well. I have often noticed that edgy experiences work for me instead of repeated fetish sessions. I definitely got one - it nicely combined the paradox of enthrallment and disgust. With this approach I feel the opportunity to have "big experiences". Overall the combination of pain and softness was a great tool to get into the zone and deepen it. The Wartenberg wheel was a very good bridger and the stearine worked as a great fast single shock. A very thought-provoking meeting, which allows one to catch onto bigger things than just a quick frenzy! Thank You again!


Sincerely, J

It was an absolutely amazing experience, Mistress! I'm usually good at writing, but now somehow I don't seem to find the words to describe this experience. Above all I remember Your cheerful and genuine nature and Your presence. Not even for a moment did I feel like You were performing or playing a role. 


And the realisation of my own fantasy by a wonderful and beautiful Woman: wow, I still get a smile on my face when I think about O/our meeting and those moments together! The hour flew by and when I walked out I somehow felt reborn.


I will definitely come to see You again as soon as schedules and my hobby budget allows it! It seems that the adventures are still unfinished! 🙂

The session was really nice, it could have continued all evening. There would probably have been a lot left to discover. I understood that You, Mistress, really liked the session. At least I liked it and it was easy to be with You. Everything felt good, so the only thing that saddened me was the shortness of our time together. I hope I can visit You in Helsinki as I visit my daughter there about once a month. 

It was wonderful to spend time with You and really natural, almost as if I had known You for a long time already, I am not very good at writing anything else. I will remember You, Mistress.

You, Mistress, asked me how long I've been dreaming about this: probably for more than 10 years. It was a nice experience all the way from the beginning although there was a lot of tension. Despite the tension I felt safe with You. In general it was great to be out of control, to throw myself into Your capable hands. 😊 Thank You very much and happy winter. You have a wonderfully understanding attitude towards all kinds of fetishes. It felt nice when I could be myself and do what I enjoy without wondering.


Thank You for a wonderful session. I found a lot of new sensitive places and nerve endings in this old body. ☺️ And that vibrating dildo in my butt was absolutely wonderful. Hopefully the next opportunity will come soon.

The overriding feelings after O/our session were: tenderness, friendliness and a lack of urgency. You, Mistress, also knew how to get me insanely excited! See You next month in Tampere! Have a nice weekend, Mistress.

Thank You again for the session, Mistress! After the session I felt relaxed and calm. You are a very approachable and nice person. You knew how to tease and hold the reins in just the right way. As W/we discussed after the session Mistress does not always have to be sinister or punishing, but can also be playful. 

The meeting was very relaxed and warm-hearted. Real. I felt good, thank You!

I was very nervous and when I got on the phone with You, Mistress, I remember you said that You would send more detailed information to my email. Kuopio is not that familiar to me so I was already anxious about where to park my car. I understand that, of course, but You could have hinted that there is a parking lot in front of the house. Now to the positives, and there are lots of them.


A really beautiful smiling face and such a warm welcome waited for me as if W/we had known each other for a long time. The mood was always a 10. And that initial teasing, wow 😍 . You taught me a lot, I have never felt the same kind of feeling and the way You dressed was amazing. That's why things happened when I couldn't wait. If You come to Kuopio again at some point and O/our schedules coincide then maybe I would be a little more relaxed. And also about the atmosphere, how You continued to praise / guide me and finally say goodbye, that was also really nice.

Another exciting session, Mistress! You taught me how to be submissive even if I didn't always remember which position was which. Your lovely bottom and lovely thighs when I was on my knees behind You were heaven. I am happy to worship You again, Mistress. This time I didn't have to clean up my own mess. It was also nice that You dressed casually.

Thank You! I'm still picking myself up and I'm still in heaven from what happened recently -- it was an amazing experience!

It's been a while and I've had time to think about O/our first session, Mistress. I didn't expect how much of an impact it would have on me when You gave me a gentle hug at the end and told me how well I had performed. I might even have gotten a little sensitive at that moment. You were a really wonderful sight in Your black dress and boots, You told me where my place was and my eyes fell to the floor. It was new and exciting, how adamant You were with even small movements. I thanked my Mistress and felt Your will.

The way You talked and described what You did to me was also positively different. In my mind it emphasized Your position of power over me and my devotion when I answered 'yes, Mistress'. And Your spit... You knew how to pull all the right strings! I was really exited when You told me how You would mark me as Your own after which I got to lick Your saliva and feel how Your warm saliva fell on my butthole. I don't know if I would dare to think how arousing it is to get marked with Mistress's warm pee. It was also nice to be able to enjoy my own delicacies from a plate. It strengthened the idea that it would be wonderful to get warm sperm fed to me directly by Mistress from my hard throbbing cock.

Perhaps I've found my own Queen. I can't wait to kneel before You again, face to the floor and palms up...

Dear Mistress,

Our encounter was rewarding in so many ways that it is very difficult to list them. You are the most beautiful and strongest Woman and I am completely taken with the fact that I could serve You. You took me exactly as a lower value toy should be taken. Without asking or requesting. The place I got at Your feet was just right for me and the collar You put on me could still be felt on my neck days later. [...] Thank You again and I hope W/we meet again one day. If possible, I want to offer You pleasure in the future as well.

- Slave

You, Mistress, were absolutely beautifully dressed: I liked Your boots and Your ladylike dress. I can well imagine myself as Your lowly servant boy, aiming to to please, serve and entertain You. It was easy for to submit and humble myself: I liked Your style of commanding me and talking to me all the time. I may have been a little too passive myself, but I hope it didn't bother You too much. Playing with spit at first it was a bit difficult for me, but I soon got used to it and hopefully completed the task satisfactorily. Forcing is just somehow so sexy :) Oh, and those precum drops...

It was wonderful to be in Your arms, Mistress. You felt so warm and safe. I probably could have taken a slightly more severe corporal punishment. The ending would have been perfect if I hadn't gone limp. I liked the mouth gag which together with the collar and the tying of my crotch made it all feel suitably oppressive. I have sometimes toyed with the idea that it might work well for me to be emptied right at the beginning of the session. I quickly get excited again and the end product could have many interesting uses, Mistress. The position You forced me into was absolutely amazing. Of course, it could be that the shame somehow got over me as I thought that my butt must look really dirty and smell bad too. Overall, however, the experience was absolutely great for me and I was left with a really good feeling after the session. Have a nice weekend, my lovely Lady! 


-- Sincerely, M

Thank You! It was a nice experience. I really liked it even though my calves started to hurt in the front bend position. You were really nice, Mistress, and I really like it when a woman wears leather/latex pants and boots. I couldn't take my eyes off them! A big thank You again!

Thank you for the session, Mistress. It was really nice and wildly different from the sessions I experienced before. Now, after a thorough "inspection", I can happily return to work next week. When I entered Your space I was a little nervous, but only a little, because I knew, at least roughly what the person behind Your door would look like. The casual phone conversation a few days before the session also helped to create a good atmosphere and gave rise to confidence in m to surrender to the session with Mistress.

The advantage of the gynaecologist's chair is mainly that the patient can see the face of the doctor/nurse and how She plans to examine the patient. The "command" at the beginning of the session to take a full-body shower was new. I wondered if I was sweaty enough that Mistress thought I needed a shower or if the men's scent I put on before leaving home for the session was something Mistress thought should be washed off. Be that as it may, the shower felt good - it felt clean and safe to continue with the session knowing that at least my hygiene would not fail. I really liked the fact that Mistress was actively giving attention to my male parts - I haven't experienced this in previous sessions. These sessions have been rather "technical" and straightforward, i.e. fitting different "research tools" into that specific hole. Butt worship and facesitting, which I had hoped for in advance appeared in somewhat surprising manners. They were nicely included in the session. The intestinal examination performed with an anal speculum (three blade) felt very good - the device is clearly designed in the anatomically correct way. On the other hand, the "2-blade" (two blade) speculum felt a bit sharp at the edges, which Mistress also mentioned during the examination. [...]

The 1.5 hours reserved for O/our meeting went by very quickly. What made this session different from previous sessions was that the session was not "instrument-oriented", but more focused on a good atmosphere. I felt that Mistress knew how to create a very intense and enjoyable session even without using a large selection of equipment. It would have been fun to have the session in Swedish as well, but unfortunately my Swedish language skills which have rusted over the years were not quite enough for that. It was wonderful to meet You and I hope we could meet each other in the same way sometime in the future, for example closer to Christmas. I do sessions rarely, usually at the beginning or end of the holidays so that they don't become too mundane but that interest and curiosity are maintained in the future as well. I wish Lady Eira to have safe and gentlemanly customers.

Best regards, S

It was quite an experience, Mistress. Thank You for that! The range of emotions I experienced was really wide and I didn't expect that. At first it was difficult to concentrate and start obeying, then I was really ashamed to roll around naked on the floor. When You told me that there are people walking on the street five meters away, that also stuck in my mind. While having my backside spanked with Your open palm I thought that this surely can be heard in the neighboring apartment and in the hallway. [...] On the other hand, at the same time, the blows of the open palm felt tingling to me. The handling of my backside felt very comfortable. I got into an obedient state of mind and didn't think about anything else. During bondage I felt calm and even relaxed. The surface of the rope also felt pleasantly rough. Worshiping Mistress's rear while being roped up and licking her leather suit was really arousing and frustrating.


You were a stunning sight in Your red leather outfit and shoes. I felt that I was in good and determined hands. Thank You for letting me peek into the world of BDSM with you. After the session, for the whole day, I felt like "what just happened?". And in a good way!

Thank You for the great adventure, Mistress! This was a big job to get arranged just in terms of O/our schedule. Before the adventure I was excited about how authentic You would be. The session went well, thank You for that! As a first-timer I was in a "follower's role" in my own way, by which I mean that I didn't talk very much. I answered when asked by Mistress. Perhaps, considering the continuation, both can be in communication. It also opens up the possibility for "opportunities for mistakes". Things that worked were: threatening to be put out in public, making mistakes if I lost concentration, and your happy laugh was nice to hear, Mistress.


In addition, I noticed that you have "interrogation skills". You did not settle for short answers. Maybe the questions about the origins of my fetish were a bit intimidating, but it would be a pleasure to try that in connection with some role-playing game next time on a different topic.

Dear Mistress,

Now that I've gotten to feel aftermath of the session, it is time to write some feedback. It was really nice to be dominated by You: what You had written on Your website about Yourself and Your style of domination was true. I especially liked the way You made it clear how to speak to a Queen and also that, as soon as the door closed behind me, You immediately took the reins in Your hands. I like that kind of teasing style more: I really don't like pain, a small momentary pinch that e.g. electricity produces only gives more contrast and power to the pleasure. It was very enjoyable to be treated by a professional Queen. You really forget all other things and especially the sense of time: a couple of hours went by quite unnoticed.


The session was really a highlight of my vacation, Mistress. I still can't say when I will visit you again, but I will, and then I want to experience a 4-hour session with you. A big thank You.

Your sessions are really good, Mistress! You are a very beautiful and stylish Queen and a very hot and stunning sight in Your red latex outfit. O/our sessions have included  edging and cum control. I would like to ask You to visit me again sometime during the autumn. I hope You will learn to get deeper into my fantasies and that I will learn to submit to You better.

You, Mistress, were everything at our meeting that I had read from your previous visitors. Beautiful and warm, caring and approachable. Of course, without forgetting Your lovely smile. However, the biggest thing for me was how bravely I dared to surrender in Your company. In you, my Queen Eira, there is that certain something that makes me feel brave and safe. Since O/our meeting I have found more courage and have broken my mental locks regarding my fetishes. I'm already looking forward to the next time W/we meet.

I dare to say that You are the most wonderful, understanding and trust-inspiring person with whom one can realise fantasies that have perhaps been brooding in one's mind for years. To me You were like that! I feel incredibly lucky that I dared to contact You.

Thank You again for a wonderful session, Mistress. The experience was unique and positively very intense. I wanted to write to You about my experience with You.

Undeniably, after the session I was still in the zone and I took my time before driving home. The time we booked flew by and afterwards I felt joy, satisfaction, calmness, longing, longing and sadness. My butt also tingled a little. You released a bunch of emotions in me that I've been processing for the last few days. You knew how to manage me with just the right intensity and in ways that respected my wishes, boundaries and experience level. I was left thirsting for more and I fantasized about a new time in submission to Your power. It is wonderful. Better than any other sexual experience in my life.

At first I was very shy and felt tenderness. However, You soon tamed me as Your own plaything and I could even laugh with You during our play. I dared to experience different feelings and let them show. I can't forget the memories of looking at U/us in the mirror at different times that bring a smile to my face now. The different positions were taughtin the spirit of trial, error and punishment; maybe on some occasions I wanted more punishments from You? You rewarded me with better air from underneath Yourself and teased me with exciting images. You let me caress and smell your gorgeous feet, moving ever higher. You made a cute knot for me and I joked about it being connected to scouting. Maybe some more knots with a scout theme?

 During my student days at school we practiced various procedures and I was often a volunteer actor as a patient. I enjoyed being helpless, cared for by others or even acting as a pincushion. They say I could act well. Now I understand why. I was lying on the medical table in Waltasali as the ongoing procedure was palpation of the prostate gland and it was carried out by the Mistress of my dreams. Everything was genuine and wonderful.

Finally, it was time to get up and calm down. You stroked my back and I remember pressing my head against Your chest. The moment felt intimate and rooting. I also sense that You enjoyed your time and this caused great pleasure in me. Everything we did was a fitting introduction to the world of BDSM. I am so glad that I chose You to submit to and serve. Thank You for doing this. 

I have learned that everything good in this world has a price. However, due to my life situation and career choice it may take a while until I can save up for a new session. A shorter session would just be too much of a tease for me. I definitely enjoy it more when I can lose track of time and be completely at Your mercy. You talked earlier about the development of O/our dynamic. After reading your website, the weekly tasks piqued my interest, but I suppose they have their price. I understand that You are top tier in Your field and there are plenty of clients. You are a professional Dominatrix and I had a very good visit with You. Thank You, Mistress, for that.

But why the sadness? After leaving Your studio I understood that the session had ended. For the first time in my life, I was able to really free all my ultimate and even primitive desires which are probably the greatest force in humanity. I'm back to normal again and all kinks will only be for my own pleasure, hidden from other people. At home, kinky accessories that have not interested previous partners are waiting, worth a few thousand euros. On Tinder and on dates I meet people who long for "normal", familiar and safe, who, according to my experience, are wildly interested in missionary sex. I would have to settle for traditional roles and power relations again. Of course, it saddens me when I this once received a response to my own kinkiness, that it is a rare treat these days. Through You I learned the great importance of kink in my life and I intend to let it flourish. [...] I hope I get to serve You again.

Longing for Your power, S

A day has passed since W/we met. It was an interesting and nice session. Dressing up was fun, I really enjoyed the butt stuff. I have never felt so accepted as I did yesterday. Everything is OK. All the best and Happy Easter. Best, E

Hello, Lady Eira! It was again a wonderful and pleasant session. Everything went really well. The pain given was just right. The fun part of the session were the obedience lessons, butt handling, bondage and the use of electricity. The nude posing according to Your will was also really nice. The feeling of safety never left me even though I was in a vulnerable position. You did great, Mistress. I'm already looking forward to O/our next meeting. Thank You very much, Mistress. 

A wonderful Queen! I was in much "better" shape when I left than when I came. I would describe Her with the following qualities: cheerful, charming, young and pretty, gentle, but also a strict Mommy if and when necessary: not to be messed with. It was wonderful to feel and notice the unexpected and pre-arranged procedures that were done to me. I felt exceptionally safe and excellently looked after and taken care of by Mistress. Running away from Her lap or fighting back was pointless as there were no opportunities to escape.

It was a wonderfully liberating moment of worship and whipping, Mistress, as we had agreed on the phone. Thank You Lady Eira: pleasant, at times teasing and at times harsh, Your genuine presence was once again a memorable and comprehensive experience that blurred the sense of time for a moment. Have a nice weekend, Mistress!

Dear Mistress,

Now that I've recovered for a couple of days, I can only say that it was indeed an interesting and good experience. And of course, it's really nice to hear that You also enjoyed O/our session.

I felt good about anything that happened although I have to say that the tight collar had such an inhibiting effect on my oxygen intake and blood circulation that I thought for a moment that I would lose consciousness. Otherwise, being tied up didn't feel bad either even though my hands got numb. Your teasing was wonderful and even though its long duration probably caused a little numbness in myself and I didn't get to release at the end I wasn't sad, because it was such an exciting experience in a good way. You looked amazing, Your outfit was really hot and Your bubbly personality met my expectations and wishes. So thank You again for a great experience.

Dear Mistress,

A BIG BIG thank you for having me in session with You. Thank You for a wonderful moment.

You took me in for the first time so well. I was in Your power and it felt so good. Tightly held by a lovely Madam in an even tighter outfit. Ah... Kissing Your feet, being in bondage, chained, hooded, my legs shaking when You handled me. I knew I was crooked and now I'm hooked on You. 

Will Mistress take me in for a session and training again? I would gladly come and obey Your every command.

Your student, M

Thank you once again for O/our session on Friday. It was an absolutely fantastic experience! You are really nice and professional, who knows how to take Your customer's needs into account -- and realise them gently😀

I wish You, Mistress, success in Your business with Your new studio. It's marvellous! 

Have a nice summer,


"Let me tell you about my experience, less than 2 hours old. While walking from Waltasali to Pasila a couple of people said hello to me on the streeet. I think that's just because I was smiling all the time. Mistress Eira was the first Dominatrix of my life in a session. My ex was a Domina, but it felt "wrong".

The reception was warm although I was disciplined for not knowing the etiquette expected by Domina. I even took my clothes off too slowly. After getting naked in about 20 seconds my body was inspected and I lowered my gaze on command. The session included my wishes to worship legs and armpits, saliva and pee were also included in the wishes I expressed on the phone 4 days ago. The sounding which was really arousing was carried out over a long time as well as all other activities. I was allowed to be Eira's plaything for 4 hours.

An impressive, wonderful experience. I drank pee through a "pee mask" from which a hose of about 30 cm went into a funnel which my Mistress placed at her crotch and dispensed into my mouth nice spurts of soft, aromatic pee. She told me between my drinks that my role in this life was to act as a toilet seat for Her and that part of my Mistress is now within me. She told me similarly when She spat into my mouth for a very long time at a leisurely pace, checking thoroughly that I was swallowing Her spit.

Unfortunately I couldn't give in to a severe spanking as I don't want any marks on my body. Mistress whipped my bottom red and brushed it with Her nails, laughing sweetly as I vibrated under Her nails. A couple of my fetishes were left out as 4 hours wasn't enough time, I'm sure I'll be back and will know the etiquette by then, the position numbers and asking for permission to talk. I don't want to have Her lovely, sweaty armpit taken out of my mouth again and being spat on in punishment instead.

I could write a novel about this, but I won't. I want to tell you it's worth going, you get what you need. I can only speak for Lady Eira, but She recommended her colleagues as well: everyone at Waltasali does sessions with desire and heart so that Domina can't fake it as the submissive would notice it immediately.

This first time of mine was a powerful mental and physical experience for me. It was something that has been missing in my life. Or not, as this dream was mine to experience now that I am 57 years old. In my younger days sexuality, as funny as it sounds, would have ruined the nature of the experience. Back then my juices would have splattered on the carpet as soon as I was naked in front of such a woman. Now there were erections which Eira found pleasurable and She laughed happily at my jiggling cock.

P.S. My Mistress's pee was very good and tasty - not the salty, acidic taste I expected pee to taste like. As She siphoned it into my mouth my Mistress told me She had been enjoying some green tea and I realised as I swallowed Her pee that 'this tastes like it'."

Dear Lady, thank You for Your big heart and the experience You have given me. I recently visited you for a so-called soft session. Through You I realized what I have been unknowingly missing. There was no domination in our session but I had hoped to be caressed and kissed and for You to talk to me in a gentle voice. I was really nervous that my wish would come true as I knocked on Your studio door. However, peace quickly settled within me as I relaxed first on the sofa and then on the floor near You under a blanket. The peaceful and quiet piano music in the background and the candle flame fluttering were nice bonuses.

I could feel Your heartbeat and Your steady, rhytmic breathing and it made me feel calm. My sense of time was blurred and I apologise that I didn't immediately realise how to respond when You gently spoke to me. I've been all smiles for a few days now. Please let me come to You again to be held in love.

I don't know for sure, but I assume many Mistresses are like You or Kata the Meanie to some extent. Caring about people, caring about Your work.

You have a gift for creating fear, safety, passion, submission so that the submissive doesn't feel that Waltasali is a room anymore, but instead a huge space with just Mistress and me contained within.

You have a lovely voice and beautiful eyes. [...] Thank You for all O/our sessions, I'm very glad I found You. You have exceeded my expectations time and time again. I find in each session that it is easier and easier to surrender to You and to live it out fully.

I hope to see You again sometime. [...] You are one of the few women whom I trust in these matters (that is, kink). Have a good end of the summer and beginning of Autumn, Mistress.

O/our adventure was really nice. Being Your plaything felt good and safe, it didn't feel awkward at all, even though You teased me for a very long time before the final climax. You were also able to read what I was hoping for and guide the session based on that. I hope O/our next moments of adventure will be just as exciting and I will get deeper into this fascinating world.


My lovely Mistress!

Thank You for my wonderful time as a girl! I really enjoyed Your guidance and compliments. For once in a long time, I dared to be the girl who lives within me... You are an incredibly wonderful and beautiful woman! Just the kind of Dominatrix that this kind of sissy girl wants and needs. You really know how to handle a woman like me... Many thanks again, I can hardly wait for the next time.

I especially enjoyed the butt treatment, Ýou were so wonderfully tender and confident. Next time a wonderful pelvic dildo treatment, this girl really needs a good ravishing... Being on all fours in front of You feels exhilaratingly helpless.​

- Your admirer, sissy Nina

More experiences coming soon.

En voi sanoa muuta kuin, että olen tyytyväinen. Tunsin, että Hän on oikeasti läsnä ja nauttii työstään. Siveellinen ulkonäkö ja käyttäytyminen luo ihanan kontrastin tuhmaan mieleen verrattuna. Hymyillen Hän kiusaa sinut kiimahullun partaalle ja silloin vasta huomaat, että kympin tytön maskin alla piiloutuu äärettömän ja ihanan kieroutunut nainen. Tämän naisen mieli on aidosti perverssi ja avomielinen. Jos on minusta kiinni, tavataan takuuvarmasti uudestaan!

Lisää kokemuksia tulossa pian.

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